

 2月11日收盘. 18, New York Stock Exchange President Stacey Cunningham joined Yie-Hsin Hung, 纽约人寿投资管理公司首席执行官, 博士和. Regina Benjamin


New York Life Investments is a supporter of the 美国心脏协会 and its 社会影响基金 through its Healthy Hearts ETF

2022年9月 – Having good physical and mental health is important for women, 但对自己的财务状况负责也是明智的, 太.

因为像流行病这样的意外线上娱乐电子游戏网站, 失业或健康危机会给人带来压力, 未雨绸缪是个聪明的主意. Planning ahead now can take away some of the stress later for you and your family. 和, 如果你是一位母亲, 你想确保你的家人得到了照顾, 不管明天会发生什么.

COVID-19 had a devastating effect on employment overall but especially on working mothers. In pre-pandemic times, about 70% of mothers living with their own school-age children worked. 在大流行开始时, 其中近45%的人不积极工作, according to a 2020 Current Population Survey conducted jointly by the U.S. 人口普查局和U.S. 劳工统计局.

So, first things first: Start an emergency fund before there is an emergency. Experts suggest having at least three to six months’ worth of expenses (ideally up to 12 months) tucked away in cash and easily accessible. A great place to keep your emergency fund is in a high-yield savings account. That way you can earn a little bit of interest while keeping it separate from your checking and any other accounts. Even if you put in a few dollars a month, you’ll be surprised how fast it can add up. 只要你需要,它就会准备好.

如果下雨天真的来了(希望不会), here are some tips on how to best manage your finances during this time.


  • 在大多数情况下, your health insurance from your company will remain active through the end of the month that you lose your job. Be sure to request a 60- or 90-day supply of any medications that you take regularly from your primary care provider.
  • COBRA允许失去福利的工人, 比如失业, the right to choose to continue the group health insurance provided by their employer for a limited time. This option will provide the least disruption in coverage but most likely will be expensive. So, 取决于你的应急储蓄, you may want to look elsewhere for health care insurance or use COBRA only until you can get other coverage.
  • The marketplace or health insurance exchange in your state is another option for health insurance. You can find these opportunities through your state’s website. You can also explore options for Medicaid, which is health coverage for people with low incomes. Children may be covered by Medicaid or your state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

    提示: It may be tempting to drop your health insurance due to the cost, but it’s important to maintain coverage to avoid expensive medical bills if a health event comes up for you or your kids during this time.



  • 学生贷款: Update your income through your student loan servicer’s website or give them a call to ask for your payments to be adjusted.

    提示: Never pay an outside company to help with your federal student loans. 你的贷款服务人员将免费帮助你. Contact your servicer to apply for income-driven repayment plans, student loan forgiveness and more.
  • 信用卡债务: 按时支付你的信用卡最低限额. 避免延迟付款,因为这会损害你的信用评分. 如果你有良好的信用评分, consider credit card debt consolidation takes multiple credit card balances and combines them into one monthly payment that charges no interest for a promotional period. 一张好的余额转帐卡不会收取年费, but many issuers charge a onetime balance transfer fee of 3% to 5% of the amount transferred. 在选择此选项之前, calculate whether the interest you save over time will wipe out the cost of the fee.

    提示: Call your credit card companies and ask for a reduced interest rate or a hardship plan. 另外,询问他们是否提供余额转账服务.
  • 抵押贷款/租金: 如果你有抵押贷款, 打电话给你的贷款人,讨论你的选择, such as a hardship program that could provide some temporary relief or mortgage forbearance. 在同意这些或其他选择之前, be sure you understand the fine print before signing on the dotted line. If you pay rent, call your landlord to discuss your situation.



  • Review your standard monthly payments to determine if there is anything that you and your family can live without. 想想“额外”的东西,比如流媒体, 景观美化或清洁服务, 或者孩子们的课外活动, 比如舞蹈或音乐课.

    提示: 打电话给你的服务提供商, 包括气体, 电, 有线电视和电话公司, 并解释你的情况. 你可以暂时减少每月的账单.


  • Think about what you can cut out of your monthly budget like taking the kids out for pizza or to the movies or impulse buys at the grocery shopping.
  • 多在家做饭和吃饭. 让你的孩子参与到厨房中来,试试这些 健康的食谱,其中许多是 价格适宜的.
  • 在家看电影,自己拍电影 爆米花.

    提示: 尽可能使用现金而不是信用卡. Making purchases with actual money can help you account more easily for what you buy.


  • 看看当地的食品储藏室和 免费小食品柜 network as well as lunch programs in your school district that can help stretch your family food budget further.
  • Visit your local library with your kids for free books, movies, events, activities and more.
  • 寻找 小型免费图书馆 在您的地区,方便访问免费图书共享.
  • 考虑出售不需要或不需要的物品, 比如孩子们的衣服或玩具,他们已经长大了, 在当地寄售店赚点外快.
  • 上网看看你是否有资格 提前 (补充营养援助计划).

    提示: 拨打211查找当地资源.