
美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽,Michael Merschel报道

Dr. Deborah Rohm Young enjoys a walk in Colorado's Garden of the Gods Park in 2023. (图片由博士提供. Deborah Rohm Young)
Dr. Deborah Rohm Young enjoys a walk in Colorado's Garden of the Gods Park in 2023. (图片由博士提供. Deborah Rohm Young)

Dr. Deborah Rohm Young's work might move you – or at least make you think about moving around a bit.

As director of behavioral research in the Kaiser Permanente Southern California Department of Research and Evaluation in Pasadena, Young's extensive body of work includes many studies about the healthy effects of physical activity – and the problems that come with inactivity. She also led the panel of experts who wrote an 美国心脏协会 关于久坐行为的科学建议 in 2016.

Sedentary behavior is formally defined as low energy expenditure while sitting, 躺着或躺着的. 你可能对这句话很熟悉:美国的成年人.S. spend an average of six to eight hours a day sitting, the AHA advisory pointed out.

杨说,这不好吗. Evidence is growing that sedentary time is associated with a higher risk of developing and dying from cardiovascular disease, 患2型糖尿病的风险更高.

But does she put her findings into action in her own life, or does she take things lying down?

We asked her to discuss sedentary behavior – both scientifically and personally – as part of “专家说,” an 美国心脏协会 News series where specialists explain how they apply what they've learned to their own lives.


大约11年前, we had some data available from the California Men's Health Study from Kaiser Permanente, 有关于体力活动和久坐线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的问题. There had been so much already published on the benefits of physical activity we thought it would be of interest to examine the opposite.

Since then, we've learned, though, that these behaviors are not "opposite," but completely different. 一个人可以是高度活跃的,也可以是高度久坐的.


那些久坐不动的人风险最大. The studies suggest that being physically active and sedentary is better than no physical activity and being sedentary, 因此,当前的信息只是“少坐”, move more."

A number of studies are starting to show some positive physiological effects from interventions that encourage short bouts of activity during prolonged sitting or screen time.

所有的久坐行为都是一样的吗? 坐着看书和刷社交媒体是一样的吗, 开车或玩电子游戏?


Many of the epidemiologic studies have assessed sedentary behavior in different ways, 比如坐着的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽, 花在看电视或屏幕前的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. Some studies have used accelerometry or inclinometers to assess sedentary time.

Evidence pretty consistently points to more sedentary time being associated with adverse health outcomes. 我们还不知道的是,多长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽久坐才算太多.

How do you monitor and compensate for sedentary behavior in your own life?

在大流行之前,我大部分线上电子游戏飞禽走兽都在办公室. 我有一张站立式办公桌. 我现在的工作是混合型的,不过我大部分线上电子游戏飞禽走兽都是坐在家里. I do get up a lot and move around – refilling my water bottle multiple times a day, 吃午饭,接电话的时候站着.

Dr. Deborah Rohm Young used a standing desk at her office before the pandemic. (图片由南加州永久医疗集团提供)
Dr. Deborah Rohm Young used a standing desk at her office before the pandemic. (图片由南加州永久医疗集团提供)

Does your day have a lot of movement built into it, or do you have to remind yourself to move?

干我这行,我必须全神贯注, so it doesn't work for me to have an alarm to tell me to get up and move. 但这可能对其他人有用.

I am a regular walker and am out most mornings for a 45- to 60-minute walk. 多年来,我一直在记录我的跑步(现在是步行)里程. I set yearly mileage goals but am pretty forgiving of myself if I don't meet them.

晚上,我往往会从沙发上爬上爬下. On weekends, 我喜欢在外面, which usually means moving around and checking what's going on in the neighborhood. I am an avid weed-puller, and there's never a shortage of weeds to pull in our yard.

What's your advice to anyone seeking to find a healthy balance in their own lives?

首先,评估一天中有多少线上电子游戏飞禽走兽是久坐不动的. It's become so ubiquitous in our daily lives that we may not even realize how much time is spent sitting.

Then, figure out what works to try to take breaks or increase physical activity. 最好的建议是找线上电子游戏飞禽走兽运动.


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